Grundlagenwerk „Christian Social Ethics“ von Elmar Nass in USA erschienen
“In a time when Christian ethics is losing ground in society, this book offers a superb approach of a qualitative ethics of principles and values for the social order in the Catholic tradition. It argues for a liberal order that takes into account alternative worldviews and that gives orientation for tangible social issues.”
Johannes Eurich, Chair of the International Society for the Study of Diaconie and Christian Social Practice and Professor at Heidelberg University
“Self-confident without polemics, open for dialogue with secular worldviews and other religions beyond platitudes: Elmar Nass sketches a rich and timely panorama of Christian social ethics that should not only interest devout Christians. The book demonstrates how the Christian tradition can be a partner for a global humanistic ethics and impresses with original perspectives on major problems of our time.”
Marie-Luisa Frick, Prof. Department of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck
“Reading this book makes it immediately clear why a liberal social order is based on well-founded values that it does not generate by itself. The Christian ideas of man, dignity and society are presented as convincing foundations of our society, on the basis of which many very concrete social questions can be answered in a very insightful an inviting way.”
Franz-Josef Overbeck, Bishop of Essen, Military Bishop, Bishop Delegate and VP of COMECE, and Chair of the Commission for Doctrine and Faith of the German Bishops Conference